Date: April 23, 2023

April 2023 Newsletter

Gosh you haven’t heard from the Parents’ Association Committee since March 2022 – we apologize for this. In November 2022 the new Parents Association Committee was inaugurated with some new faces and some loyal volunteers being re-voted into the club. 

We have spent the last 5 months = 2400 hours volunteering to ensure that the parents’ voices are heard at school and we engage the parent community. 

So, what have we been up to? In chronological order …

Additionally, we represented parents at 4 educational council meetings with Primary and Secondary directors (minutes will be shared soon - waiting approval), raised concerns regarding number of students and language options at the recent school inspection, were the voice of parents at the school council meeting (SAC) and Admin board meeting with decision makers from Brussels, we joined the 3-day Interparents meetings to ensure, we were present on the Open Day talking with prospective parents and much more. On top of that behind the scenes we are also helping school management with finding possible temporary solutions (Tommy Tomato and Vending Machine) for no canteen and trying to agree a survey to be sent to parents to gauge their likelihood of recommending the school to others and what would make them happier parents.

What's coming up next? The Euromarkt on 7th May - our first school-wide gathering since 2019. Register now if you have not done it already. Mid June (exact date yet to be defined) there will be a Q&A session for parents offered by school Director and the Architects designing our new school in Alkmaar.

We understand that some parents are missing our updates and events – make sure you are signed up for our news updates! Or contact us to obtain the link to our primary or secondary whatsapp groups.

We would love more helping hands. We are re-naming the PAC the Parents’ Association Club – not committee, as we believe it suits our vision more. Please come join our club – let's meet on May 7th at Euromarket.

Claire, Allen, Helena, Céline, Jean-Christophe, Giustino, Chris, Anne

Organisatie Oudervereniging van de Europese School te Bergen
KvK-nummer: 40634537
Copyright © 2025 ESB Parents'association - Proudly designed by Ramaje Studio