Date: March 31, 2022

PA News March Update

Dear Parents,  

Please forgive the delay in putting together this update for you. As you’ll see from this  bumper edition, it has been a busy time recently and things are set to get busier! 

How can you locally support the refugees? 

The class reps’ new WhatsApp group: “Call for support” is live. We are impressed by all  the practical and tangible support being offered by our community in many different forms already. The old adage from Covid times of “we are all in this together” holds even more  true this year than it did back in 2020. So thank you for all of your support so far, and for  all of the support that is to come. This also includes a massive yet humble thank you to all of those who have also  contributed to our fundraising, supporting refugees in ESB! The collection is still open here, the total as of the 28th March is €2,740. All donations will be held in a fund for use  as required within our community. As with all projects supported by PA, the PA board will  report about the use of funds in the PA General Annual Meeting. If no more support is  needed any left-over funds will be donated to GIRO555 

Bergen Schools Chess Competition-, 1st place for ESB! 

The 35th Bergen Schools Chess Competition took place on Saturday 19 March. Great  that it could be held in person this year after being online last year due to Covid.  Representing ESB, under the new guidance of Dutch national chess master Rick Lahaye,  were 11 players, making 2 teams of 4 plus a mixed team with a pupil from Willem Alexanderschool. After success in recent years with a new generation of ESB chess  players encouraged by the previous teacher Jasper Dekker, ESB were defending their  title. After a close run competition with Matthieu Wiegmanschool 1, ESB Team 1 won 1st  place! That’s the 4th year in succession for ESB in the top spot.  

Congratulations to the winning team - Arnav Dhole, Cristian Urcola, Joseph Zeenni and  Martin Urcola. 14 teams took part and ESB Team 2 narrowly missed out on 3rd place,  coming 4th. ESB mixed Team 3 came 7th. An amazing achievement by all pupils. “Best  boys”, winning 7 out of 7 matches, were awarded to 4 boys including Cristian Urcola and  Joseph Zeenni - great performance boys! The Winning team will now go on to the North  Holland regional chess tournament. A full report about the tournament can be found at - 2022/.

Any child wishing to join the ESB chess lessons, which are currently held online can  contact Rick - A new Youth Chess Club will also be starting in  Bergen alternate Thursday evenings beginning 7th April, for more information e-mail -  

The PA’s Events team have started again with force

Build community. Build friendships! Let’s give a chance for parents both new and old to  get out and have a drink with some other ESB parents. The Events team invited parents  for a Dads’ and Moms’ Weeknight gathering at a pub in Bergen. They took place on  March 16th (Dads’) and March 23rd (Moms’) Thank you very much to all who joined and  we will very probably repeat that again. So keep an eye! See you soon again! 

Let’s continue maintaining the bond between families of our school and celebrate in a  special way the end of the school year! We are already at work preparing a special  edition event for all the ESB families: “ES Bergen’s Family Rally”. Book your agendas for  June 19th afternoon. An invitation will be sent in May! 

Despite the fact that this year will remain marked by the absence of a Euromarkt, life  doesn't stop there. The ESB PA Events Team endeavors to create, sponsor, host,  and/or support a wide-range of activities fostering the sense of the ESB School  Community. Events should generally be as inclusive as possible, but can focus on certain  constituencies as warranted. If you have ideas and a desire to join the effort, please get  in touch with us!

What could we as a parent community (us) do to support our children’s Education for  Sustainable Development? The ESB PA Sustainability Working Group is working with  Roy Stroomer, School Concierge and the ESB Sustainability Coordinator. Our aim is to  collaborate to define sustainability at ESB and to build a methodological approach to  strategy building. We are also working with other European Schools and institutions in  trying to find synergies and benchmarks. This is just the beginning… Are you interested  in this key topic? Would like to learn more and join the efforts? Join the ESBergen  Sustainability Parents WG!

The ESB Canteen Committee will soon meet again! Please let us know, if you are  interested in joining and represent the parents:

Interparents’ (The European Parents’ Association of the European Schools) latest  update is to be found here: 

The school’s management has progressed its dialogue with Bergen Gemeente  concerning traffic and infrastructure around the school. One quick win from the renewed  contact with the Gemeente was the removal of the advertising boards at the De Beeck  building site which were obscuring visibility for cycle path users. Hopefully Mr Frithiofson  will be in contact with us parents as further positive developments transpire. 

Please avoid parking in the Negen Nessen (those side roads along the side of  Churchilllaan). The school has taken extra steps to boost the availability of parking  spaces around the school and we can also use the car parking spaces along the full  length of Churchilllaan. We are trying to maintain our good relationship with our  neighbours in the Negen Nessen and would strongly advise not to park in this area as  this is parking for residents only, so please park elsewhere. Finally, please also do not  wait or park your vehicle on or by the roundabout at the junction of Churchilllaan and  Molenweidtje. 

We would like to thank Menno & Ernst-Jan for their commitment to teach the Primary  pupils how to safely ride a bike! For the coming academic year, Menno & Ernst-Jan will  not be continuing with the traffic education and the coordination of the cycling exams so  we are looking for new parents to take over! Preferably parents from P1 or P2 so there  can be some continuity for the upcoming years. Please let us know if you are  interested:  

We are also looking for a new Secretary for the Parents’ Association Committee. The  current incumbent is stepping down at the end of this academic year so, should this role  be of interest to you, please let us know at There’s still  plenty of time left this year for a gentle handover and he isn’t leaving the area once he  has stepped down so will still be available for questions. Oh and fear not: he’s a bit lazy  at heart so has made the Secretary tasks as easy to undertake as possible! 

Finally we are absolutely delighted to let you know that, in April, we will launch our new  PA website with a fresh, intuitive and mobile-friendly design. As before, you'll find our  news, events and the shop here, as well as useful information for new parents and  initiatives of the PA. The address remains the same (  and, if you have been registered at our site before, your login data is still valid (no  worries, there's a "Lost your password link" too). We'll send out a separate mail to PA members after the launch. PA member or not - please subscribe to the news feed and  don't miss any news and events published on the website! 

Well, thanks for making it to the very end. This has been the longest update that it was our  pleasure to assemble. In spite of the minor gripes and grumbles that we may all have, we’re very lucky to be a part of this community of ours: thanks for being there every time you’re  needed and for having such kind and open hearts. 

Take care, 

ESB Parents’ Association

Organisatie Oudervereniging van de Europese School te Bergen
KvK-nummer: 40634537
Copyright © 2025 ESB Parents'association - Proudly designed by Ramaje Studio