Date: March 3, 2022

How can you support the Ukrainian People?

Many families in the ESB community want to help those who have been directly affected by the current situation in Ukraine. We have therefore gathered a list of organizations, mostly here in the Netherlands, some of which support the people still in Ukraine and some which support  Ukrainians that have had to flee their homeland. The ESB Parents’ Association is not linked to any of these organizations, we have not performed due diligence on them nor do we recommend any particular avenue of assistance. We have simply gathered this information from Dutch Newspapers, the Internet and directly from those involved in the support effort.

Organizations where you can donate money

Stichting Vluchteling is a Dutch organization that helps refugees worldwide and has now set up a fund to support displaced Ukrainians. They partner with local organizations. 

Dutch-Ukraine Stichting Platform Samenwerking Nederland Oekraine: Years of contacts, cooperation and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Chairman Bob Wouda, who lives in Kiev, ensures that the contribution ends up with Ukrainian refugees. The platform will hand out packages and financial gifts to refugees at the border. Also packages with goods can be made locally and handed out to the refugees. Doneer op rekening van Stichting Platform Samenwerking Nederland Oekraine: NL56INGB0007230847 t.n.v. Stichting SPSN-O onder vermelding van HELP OEKRAINE 

The Nederlands Rode Kruis (Dutch Red Cross) supports people in the Ukraine and refugees.


Local initiatives that collect goods for people in the Ukraine or those that come to the Netherlands

Anna Roelofs-Ivanchenko: a Ukrainian in Haarlem who collects goods for families that fled from Ukraine to Poland and Romania 

Caritas Ukraine Holland Foundation: requesting in particular wheelchairs, stretchers, mattresses and food. The foundation has its doors at Volger 12B in De Rijp every Monday from 09:00 to 14:00.

Heerhugowaard, t.n.v. st. Dobre Destiny Foundation(ANBI): The goods that they are going to collect are intended for the reception of war refugees in western Ukraine. Temporary storage in the Netherlands and a truck have been arranged. Now they are looking for entities that want to donate goods like Cooking utensils/kitchen utensils, Disposable tableware (disposables), washing machines, dryers, large refrigerators, generators. Please contact via (06) 55 85 18 44 or 

Rataplan has also started a collection campaign and goods can be handed in in their thrift shops (one of them in Alkmaar). There is a list of needed goods here: 


More information

The portal for expatriates in the Netherlands iamexpat has published this article with links to charity raising funds, information about collection points for donation and how to register as as host family for refugees:

This website set up by volunteers in coordination with Foundations of Ukrainians in the Netherlands provides information on how you can help such as lists of needed goods, collection points, how to register as host: Humanitarian-help-for-Ukraine-ad3a2db11ae74e1091bf32ea6d44f74a

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