Working for the community

We represent all ESB parents, both within our school as well as in the European School system. We work together with school to support and organise initiatives that enhance the well-being of our children, the school environment, and encourage a caring school community We are a non-profit association founded in 1979 by volunteer parents of children at European School Bergen
Who we are

Our PA committee

We are a team of voluntary parents, who represent all ESB parents. We work together with school management, teachers, students and parents of the other European Schools in a variety of areas. The PA Committee votes on decisions and gives opinions on behalf of all the ESB parents from all sections of school. The nine PA Committee members are elected for a two-year period at the PA Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the first quarter of each school year.
Contact us
Jean-Christophe Chauvin
Vice-President Secondary — Student's Contact — French Rep. — Secondary Education Council (SEC)
Giustino Manna
Vice-President Nursery & Primary — SAC & Admin Board — PEC Class Rep Meetings — JRC Contact — New School Alkmaar
Allen Erickson
Treasurer & Community Fund — Host Family Coordinator — Events
Chris Hammond
Secretary — Communication
Celine Maas-Pujdak
William Drury
EMA Contact — Website — Secondary Education Council (SEC) — English Rep.
Sharon Petrie
Transportation Amsterdam — Communication — Interparents
Leah Jin
Treasurer & Community Fund — Interparents
Who we are

Our active members

The PA Committee also work together with a group of active members of the Parents’ Association. They actively support the PA Committee – some have a specific function, others help from time to time, when needed. The PA could not work without the support of our active members! If you are interested in becoming an active member, please contact us!
Vanessa Nascimento
EU Free Fruit Programme
Tina Eriksen
Interparents - Secondary Education Council (SEC) - Dutch Rep.
Thania Spathopoulou
Primary Education Council (PEC) - English Rep.
Stijn Rubens
Dutch Rep. - Primary Education Council (PEC)
Karolina Janus
Helena Domeyer
Events - Shop
Frederica Scotto di Tella
Canteen Committee
Elizabeth Spreeuw
Well-being & Sustainability - Events

Come join us

We're always looking for new motivated parents to join us and take an active part in the school community! Interested? Check the list right here and let us know what you think would be a good match for you.
The flagship event of the Parents' Association needs a leader to co-ordinate actvities and make the event happen. Can you do this?
The Parents Association Extra Curicular Activities programme requires a co-ordinator to act as the contact point for ECA instructors and the school onsite team. This will also work with the […]
A new parent representative for the Students Without A Language Section (SWALS) is needed from September 2024, to act as a point of contact for parents of SWALS and to […]
The role of ESB Parents' Association Vice President (Secondary) is vacant, starting from the academic year 2024/25. Read more about the role here.
The role of ESB Parents Association President is vacant, starting from the academic year 2024/25. Read more about the role in the words of the departing president here.
There are no vacancies at the moment. But please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to help.
What we do

We are the voice of the parents

We represent all the ESB parents internally in ESB as well as in the European Schools system. We meet and communicate frequently with School management to discuss parent issues and ideas.
Class Rep
At the beginning of the school year, one or two parents are elected in each class to represent the parents of the class. The class reps gather issues, ideas and questions from the parents of their class. They also help organise volunteers for events or outings. The class reps meet quarterly with the Parents' Association (PA) to discuss relevant issues from their classes. PA has separate meetings with Primary (including Nursery) and Secondary class reps. We invite the Deputy Directors to join a part of the meetings. Issues that are relevant to multiple classes, are brought to the Educational Councils.
>> Role of the Class Reps
Primary and Secondary Educational Councils
The Educational Councils (PEC and SEC) are chaired by the Deputy Directors, who meet with teachers, students and parents - each group with one representative per language section. They meet quarterly, normally just after school.
PA Working Groups
When we see the need to pursue a topic further, we create a PA Working Group (WG) We currently have: - A Traffic WG informing ESB management and Bergen Gemeente of the traffic situation around the school. -This year we formed a Sustainability WG, who are working together with parents from the other European Schools as well as ESB management and staff in improving the sustainability in our school.
>> I am interested in joining a PA Working Group
School Advisory Council (SAC)
This council meets 2-3 times a year and consists of representatives from the Joint Research Centre in Petten (JRC), the European Medicines Agency in Amsterdam (EMA), teachers, students, administration, school management and the Parents' Association. The purpose of this council is to discuss the plans for the school with all stakeholders and to prepare for the School Administrative Board.
School Administrative Board
The Admin Board meets twice a year and consists of all representatives from the SAC meetings plus the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science (OCW) – represented by Nederlands Onderwijs in het Buitenland (NOB), the European Commission and the Office of the Secretary General of the European Schools (OSGES). The purpose of this board is to discuss with all stakeholders, and take decisions about, the plans and finances of the school.
We are a member of Interparents, and we work closely together with the parents of all the European Schools. Interparents (IP) is the umbrella organisation of the Parents’ Associations of all the European Schools. Via Interparents parents are represented further in the European Schools system - including in the Board of Governors (BoG).
IP represents the parents by discussing proposals and by electing representatives for the various working groups, dealing with a wide range of topics, such as curriculum reforms, teacher supply, students well-being and budgets.
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors (BoG) is the decision-making body of the European School System. The BoG includes among others representative from each EU member state.
What we do

Supporting the school community

We communicate with parents, students and school, organise events, support projects and new ideas and support the whole school community.
We communicate with parents and keep you up to date with what is going on in the school community
We organise events throughout the year and support school events, aimed at celebrating all cultures.
Community fund
The Community Fund leverages funds raised by the Parents' Association to support projects and events that enhance the school environment.
Clubs (ECA)
PA offers extra-curricular  clubs. PA family members can sign up their kids. 
We offer an online shop for you to purchase ESB t-shirts, other clothing and school branded items. PA Family Members get10% off your future shop orders.
We are a member of the School Canteen Committee and work to bring forward ideas from parents – including working for a more sustainable school canteen. The canteen is contracted by school.
We can guide parents to the transportation companies. We have produced transportation guidelines, advising the transportation companies of their responsibility to follow the same rules as others in and around the school.

We are the point of contact between parents and the childcare companies, who are caring for our children before and after school. We guide parents to childcare companies currently being used by other parents.
Contact Us
What we do

We welcome New parents!

The Welcome Committee is made up of several parents of the school who will be available for you to ask questions. We offer advice about school life, the local area and Dutch customs or a first contact person in your mother tongue.
>> Contact & useful informations
Organisatie Oudervereniging van de Europese School te Bergen
KvK-nummer: 40634537
Copyright © 2025 ESB Parents'association - Proudly designed by Ramaje Studio