Euromarkt 2023 had over 900 visitors and raised approximately 6000 euros of profit. The Spanish/ Portuguese food table generated the most muntjes (for the competitive ones among you). This profit can be used by anyone in the ESB community with a great idea (apply for community fund here) and we plan on using this to kick-start the after-school club programme in September 2023.
A HUGE thank you to all the helping hands that made Euromarkt
2023 happened! Without the support of the entire ESB community, the event would never have happened. Thank you for all the ideas that were born at late night kitchen table meetings, running the international market stalls, cooking and baking and selling delicious food, donating books, laying dozens of meters of electricity cables, supervising kids games, face painting, providing music entertainment, webpage updates, creating online registration, running football games and table tennis, selling drinks, making signs, getting sponsorship, designing posters and event programme, planning the event layout, selling raffle tickets, first aid support, assisting at the registration table, health and safety advice, setting up on Saturday and Sunday and dismantling, the many hours and detailed planning of logistics and all the moral support and kind words from those who said “Yes, we can!” Team work makes the dream work!
The number of attendees was phenomenal – thank you! We hope you had as much fun as we did!
We would like to thank a few people in particular:
You are all wondering what happened with the raffle? (Silly us, we didn’t have a microphone). After the big clean-up a group of volunteers pulled numbers out of hat and there are many lucky winners – they are being contacted by Allen from the PAC about personal delivery of their prize.
Put the following date in your diary and register your interest:
Thank you for helping us make this community event such a success!