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Date: March 29, 2023

ES Bergen to have 1st school-wide gathering since 2019!

Euromarkt registration is open!

Back in February we asked you to save the date (May 7th) … now it is finally time to register. This fundraising event is our first chance for our school community (staff/teachers, pupils and parents) to come together since 2019. We have so many new families to meet and welcome, we are all really looking forward to finally getting to know some of our new parents!

What is Euromarkt about?

Lots of families have never had the experience of Euromarkt - Euromarkt is a school community event and a fun day out for all the family. Delicious food (cooked, baked and donated by parents) will be on sale at the many country-themed food market stalls e.g. German, Spanish, Italian, French, Scandinavian. The children can have lots of fun in GameLand with a wide variety of games e.g. bouncy castle, pin the tail on the donkey, puppet show, twister and lots more. Book lovers of all ages can buy second-hand books in many languages at the book fair. There will be a number of fun raffle prizes - you can’t win it if you aren’t in it!

Registration is free

…however, if you want to buy food and drinks on the day or take part in kids GameLand you will need to purchase muntjes (1 muntje = 1 euro) which can be collected at the entrance. More muntjes can be purchased (cashless) on the day of the event.

Registration is required – do this prior to arrival to avoid the queues and disappointment! It takes 2 minutes (even less if you are already a registered member the Parents' Association – use the "forgotten password" link if needed or contact us if you are not certain about the status of your membership). Registration is also required due to the event being a private event for parents, staff/teachers, students and guests. Guests are, for example, prospective parents who want to feel the energy of the school before enrolling or other invitees. 

Registration is per family – we need to know how many adults/kids are coming to plan accordingly. If you are attending the event but do not want to buy muntjes yet you can still register by choosing  “(0) none” in the muntjes field.

Registered already and want to buy (more) muntjes? You can buy muntjes here.

Want to help?

You will see a number of information emails prior to the event … feel free to let us know if you have any questions or want to help! You can also help to make it a great day by spreading the word so that we get to see as much of the community as possible. 

Also the table heads will be happy about help and contributions! Euromarkt 2023 Table heads:

We look forward to seeing you at Euromarkt May 7th.


Claire, Allen, Anne, Celine, Chris, Giustino, Helena, Jean-Christophe

Organisatie Oudervereniging van de Europese School te Bergen
KvK-nummer: 40634537
Copyright © 2025 ESB Parents'association - Proudly designed by Ramaje Studio