Sem2: Typing


This club will run in Semester 2 from February 19th 2025 to June 27th 2025.

Scroll down to read more about this club and meet instructor Ivon Schouten.

Select the age group and date/time. Please fill in per child. Please leave a telephone number and mail address so the Club Coordinator and instructor can contact you if needed.

Before signing up, please make sure to read the important information about clubs.

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Typing club:

Join our Typing Club and embark on a journey to master the art of efficient and accurate typing! In an increasingly digital world, typing skills are essential, and our club offers an engaging and fun way to develop them. Whether you're a beginner looking to improve your typing speed or an experienced typist aiming for perfection, our Typing Club welcomes all skill levels.

When students sign-up, they will receive a login code to also be able to practice at home and at school, and the progress is tracked.
Are you interested to try out our Typing Program?

About the instructor:

For more than 10 years, I run classes for Typing Courses at several schools in the area. Learning to type blind is a good preparation for high school, university, and will remain for life. We use an interactive software program for our classes, and I can accommodate students from all age groups. Our program is available in Dutch, English and Spanish.


Additional information

Age groups

Primary/Secondary P3-S1, Primary/Secondary P3-S7

Pick a day and time

Wednesday 14:45, Friday 14:45

Organisatie Oudervereniging van de Europese School te Bergen
KvK-nummer: 40634537
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