Date: May 14, 2024

Vacancy: PA Secondary Vice President

Will you be the next Secondary Vice President for the ESB Parents' Association? The position is open, starting in the academic year 2024-25, when Jean Christophe Chauvin steps down.

  • The Vice President replaces the President and assumes their duties in their absence and is responsible for giving the President support and advice. If the President cannot attend a function or event, it falls under the responsibility of the Vice President.
  • The duties of the Vice President can be completed by two persons, which is currently the case for ESB, where the responisbilities are divided between the secondary and primary vice presidents.
  • The primary vice president has the executive role, with responsibility for representing the PA Committee externally, whereas the secondary vice president represents the Comittee internal and has a more flexible, informal role.
  • The Vice Presidents are elected from the PA Committee of the ESB Parents’ Association and together with the President, the Treasurer and the Secretary, the day-to-day management (The Executive PA Committee) of the ESB Parents’ Association.
  • The Vice Presidents will take responsibilities for some of the Committee functions depending upon their interest and skills.

Time commitment is around 2 - 3 hours per week.

Organisatie Oudervereniging van de Europese School te Bergen
KvK-nummer: 40634537
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