On Friday, 5th of May, Claire Powell, Chair of the Parents Association of European School Bergen, and Giustino Manna, Vice-chair, met Mr Fergal Cooney, EMA Senior HR Co-ordinator, the European Medicines Agency’s premises. Fergal is the EMA representative on the ESB Administrative Board and has been involved with the school since 2018. The two representatives of the Parents Association acknowledged the possibility of the visit to the Agency, what they had requested with the purpose of further informing the EMA Administration about the scope and ongoing activities of the Parents' Association.
The visit focused on the support from the Parents’ Association to parents, considering the needs of pupils and families. Particular consideration was for the EMA staff having children registered at European School Bergen.
The visit also offered to the representatives of the Parents Association the opportunity to refer to ongoing major developments in the Municipality of Alkmaar and surroundings, as, for example: the urbanistic development of the town; its growing attractiveness towards expats; the ongoing project of relocation of the European School to Alkmaar and, finally, the preparatory works for the construction of the PALLAS reactor in the Petten Research Campus. As reported by the media, PALLAS, who is received major national and international attention, will replace the HFR, and will be operated to produce medical isotopes.
As a result of the visit the PAC took the action to adjust slightly the planned parent event taking place on the 14th June at ESB at 7pm – theme Our future school in a developing Alkmaar – with speakers from Gemeente Alkmaar, Per Frithiofson the Director and FFA the architects for the new school. Register now to secure your place.
During the meeting the PAC also impressed upon Mr Cooney the urgence to find a 9th committee member representing EMA – among the EMA parents at ESB – we really need your input. We were so happy to see so many EMA parents at Euromarkt on the 7th May – which helped make it such a success.
The visit was very fruitful, and Ms Powell and Mr Manna would like to thank Mr Cooney for his availability and the time allocated.