You may have seen on the ESBergen website and in the email from the Director of ESB Per Frithiofson on the 20 th December the announcement regarding the OECD’s PISA-based test for schools where ESB has achieved very positive results.
The report will be discussed and analyzed at the upcoming Educational Council of the ESB secondary school. Please read the reports and let us know if you have comments, questions, concerns you would like the PA to address to the school during those meetings. The PISA results are very positive, and the school is very proud of the results.
The PA has already identified some questions that need to be addressed to the school – so we can understand the results better in the context of what the school does in terms of curriculum and extra- curricular – both from the cognitive and non-cognitive skills development.
Read more about the PISA results 2022 in German, French and English on the Home page | European School of Bergen (NL). This is report summary in English.
Additionally, to understand the context of the results, please look at the BAC results 2022 here where you can also review a comparison of our school compared with the other European Schools: BACC Report. Page 59 to 74 are interesting for parents to read.
Let us know what you think. We the PA are the voice of the parents.