Hello Ladies!
We are excited to announce our 4 upcoming ladies nights in co-operation with
Bodyvit Gym. Looking for some fun with other ESB moms? Then you are in the right place!
Personal trainers will offer 3 x 20 minute work-outs (kick-boxing/ circuit: intro to weights and abdominal exercises/ legs, bums & tums). All levels of fitness and experience are catered for.
When: Thursday 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th October 19:30 - 21:00
Where: Bodyvit gym at DeBeeck sports facilities (opposite ESB)
Sports and more...
Fun, laughter, getting to know other moms and some sport is the focus of the night.
Thirsty afterwards? Enjoy a soft drink or glass of wine at the bar
19th October - after the session, there will be a fashion show from Stijl store in Bergen
If you participate on all 4 nights, you will be entered into a free raffle for a free massage.
Register here for the Ladies night on Oct 26. Register early as places are limited! Please register for each Ladies Night separately. Please unregister in case you cannot make it, so someone else can take your place. No need to fill in the kid's name.
Costs: The first night (5th October) is completely free. The following 3 dates (12th, 19th, 26th) are at a reduced rate of EUR 12.50 per night, or EUR 30 if you join all 3 nights. Payment on the night directly to Bodyvit.
See you there!