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Open Annual General Meeting & Welcome Evening with wine and cheese

4 October 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Dear ESB parents,

It's a premiere: For the first time we are having an open Annual General Meeting and all ESB parents are warmly invited! We are starting off at 7pm with wine (and soft drinks of course) & cheese. Mingle and chat with other parents! This is also your chance to get a glimpse of the new canteen and to meet teachers and staff, that you have perhaps only met online or via email. Representatives from important parent services including the canteen, Alleskits, Taxi-072 and Little Europe will be present to answer your questions. We will share with all of you a short update about what the PA did last year and - more important - our plans for the next year. Let's discuss! We are curious about your suggestions and ideas. Are you maybe willing to give a bit of your time, energy and expertise to the school community yourself? Talk to us - there are different levels of commitment possible. You don't have to be a member of the PA committee to help. Finally some formalities: we will ask the PA members to vote: there is the (re-)election of PA committee members, the approval of the financial report as well as a vote on a potential increase of the membership fee. Scared of that part? Feel free to leave. We do hope you stay with us and maybe join the PA on the spot.

Be part of the community!

Sign-up for the open AGM & Wine and Cheese evening today. (Registration is required due to catering and security.)

See you on Oct 4.

The Parents’ Association Committee
Claire, Allen, Jean-Christophe, Celine, Giustino, Chris, Anne



4 October 2023
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Event Category:


ESB Aula
molenweidtje 5
Bergen, 1862 BC Netherlands
+ Google Map
Organisatie Oudervereniging van de Europese School te Bergen
KvK-nummer: 40634537
Copyright © 2025 ESB Parents'association - Proudly designed by Ramaje Studio

Registrations are closed for this event
