Date: April 21, 2024

Update: EU School Building in Alkmaar

As a stakeholder for the new EU School Building in Alkmaar ("Project ESALK"), the Parents' Association would like to provide the following update on progress.

The memo on the program of demands and the course of the project was approved in February; this means the size of the school and the program was approved, with details including the pupil numbers and the general capacity of the school.  

Concerning the financing of the project, the initial proposal of the Delegated Client to use the loan facility, instead of direct financing, has been approved.

The Central Government Real Estate Agency (CGREA) maintains and manages real estate like buildings, nature areas and agricultural land. It is part of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) and is the biggest real estate organisation in the Netherlands. CGREA is now drafting the ‘project assignment brief’ and the next step should be the signature of this document. At the same time, the Delegated Client is working with CGREA and advisors on the technical program of demands and with the municipality.

The Parents’ Association commended, in the Steering Group, the efforts for achieving the finalisation of the Functional and Spatial programme. The PAC also informed that in several moments, e.g. PEC class reps meeting, parents have asked for periodical information on the state of the project, pointing out that this information is needed for informing decisions several families have to make. Following up on parents' questions, in the Steering Group it has been confirmed that, with today's knowledge and state of work, the estimated delivery date remains the same.

More information will be given by the Delegated Client and Margit de Jong (project manager from Alkmaar Municipality) during two hybrid information sessions about the development of the new building, on Thursday 6 June at 17:00 and 18:30.

If you would like to join this session online, here is the Teams meeting link:

EU School Building in Alkmaar Teams meeting 6 June 2024

Related links:

Organisatie Oudervereniging van de Europese School te Bergen
KvK-nummer: 40634537
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