Date: May 17, 2021

PA News May 2021

Dear Parents,

We have gathered for you on our website all of the current information regarding the Future ESB location bids:

  • Q&A You can find the questions from ESB parents - along with answers from the Ministry, Alkmaar and Zaanstad - right here: ESB-school-future There you will also find the two bids from Alkmaar and Zaanstad, the two “criteria” lists (Requirements and Wishes) and the letter from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) to the School Advisory Council (SAC), asking the key stakeholders (which includes the PA) to prepare our feedback, viewpoints and concerns.
  • Results of PA Survey – Future Location! Thank you for answering the questions in our survey which were based on the well-being of our children, the current and future environmental impact of our journeys to and from school and which of the two locations were preferable. You can find the results of our PA Survey here: PA-survey-ESB-future. Once again, thank you so much for taking part in this and for helping us to best represent and present the overall feeling of all of the school’s current parents, regardless of “category” or remaining length of time with the school.
  • We need to give the opinion of the ESB Parents to the Ministry before 26th of May. Please let us know your suggestions for what feedback, viewpoints and concerns we should send to the Ministry by sending us an email at
  • Thanks as always, we’ll be back in touch with another update soon.

Take care,

ESB Parents’ Association

If you have any questions that you would like for PA to communicate on your behalf, please send them to us. 

Organisatie Oudervereniging van de Europese School te Bergen
KvK-nummer: 40634537
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